North American Focus

Fortune Minerals is a North American development stage mining company with assets located near infrastructure in the
northern part of Canada. The head office is in London, Ontario, with the shares listed for trading on the Toronto
Stock Exchange as well as trading in U.S. dollars on the OTCQB.
North American Exposure to Resources
of Critical Importance to World
The NICO Cobalt-Gold-Bismuth-Copper deposit is located in the Northwest Territories, 160 km from the city of
Yellowknife. NICO is a vertically integrated project that will include mining and concentrating of ores in the
Northwest Territories, with the resulting metal concentrate being transported to a refinery in southern Canada for
further processing to high value products.
The Sue-Dianne copper-silver-gold deposit is located 24 km north of the NICO deposit and represents a potential
source of incremental mill feed to extend the life of the NICO concentrator.
Fortune maintains the right to repurchase the Arctos anthracite coal deposits that are located 330 km northeast of
the Port of Prince Rupert and straddle the existing BC Rail right-of-way and largely completed road bed.
Stable political structures, market oriented economic systems, and well developed capital markets have all
contributed to both Canada and the United States consistently ranking near the top of lists for global
competitiveness, economic freedom and quality of life.
"The world wants clean technology, and Canada has the resources, the expertise, and the skilled workers to meet that demand. By developing and processing our critical minerals here in Canada – the first step in the clean technology supply chain – we can create good middle-class jobs all while keeping our air clean for generations to come.”
– The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
The Canadian government’s commitment to the development of its vast
endowment of natural resources underlies the importance of the mining
industry to Canada’s economic, political and social landscape. Canada is a
global leader in the mining industry and is home to the world’s most active
centre for mining equity finance, with approximately 60% of the world’s
public mining companies trading on its exchanges.
How Canada’s Mining Sector Impacts Economy